About us
When Symacon System + Service GmbH was founded, my basic idea was:
“To have joy and fun in my own work as well as to develop innovative products in a team with passion. (Bernd Petermann)”
The basis for this was the experience gained over 25 years in worldwide service and installation of new systems in mechanical engineering. Customer service, cooperation in partnership and the realization of our customers’ wishes are our goals.
As a Certified Excellence Partner of Bosch Rexroth Factory Automation, integrator of industrial robots as well as cobots from Kassow Robots, we support our customers at short notice and with customized solutions in the optimization of production processes as well as in the construction of new plants.
We are motivated by challenges that require the personal and professional expertise of each member of our team. Together we develop, design and assemble your individual complete solutions for production and logistics.
“Our claim – continuously efficient and innovative solutions”.

SSG began in 2018 with 12 employees and is now proud to successfully realise innovative special solutions with a team of 65 experienced engineers, skilled workers and trainees. The existing know-how has been supported for more than 30 years by the firm partnership with Bosch Rexroth. This partnership for assembly technology has been extended in recent years with drive technology, linear technology, and service for these components.
October 2018
Spin-off of the Bosch Rexroth Industrial Equipment and Service divisions from the Symacon Group, consisting of Symacon GmbH, H&B Omega Europe GmbH and IZM Polycast.
Acquirement of exclusive distribution rights for spare parts, service and commissioning.
February 2019
Relocation from Barleben to the current company headquarters in Magdeburg Salbke.
September 2019
Successful certification by Bosch Rexroth and simultaneous appointment as one of the first Certified Excellence Partners of the Bosch Rexroth organization worldwide.
July 2020
Takeover of the sales partnership for the area Northeast Germany from the company Handke Industrieausrüstung. Opening of the sales location in Berlin.
August 2020
Establishment of sales and engineering for automation and special solutions for mechanical engineering.
March 2021
Establishment of own electrical engineering with electrical workshop.
November 2021
Signing of the LOI to extend the Certified Excellence Partnership for drive and linear technology.
June 2022
Signing of the Service Level Agreement with Bosch Rexroth. This makes SSG an official Certified Excellence Service Partner for Factory Automation of the Bosch Rexroth organization.
November 2022
Signing of partner agreement Kassow Robots. Expansion of the product portfolio with Cobot solutions.
February 2023
Signing of partner agreement OnRobot A/S. Expansion of our cobot solutions with the appropriate grippers for collaborative applications.
April 2023
Expansion of the warehouse and production area to 4,500 square metres.
May 2023
Expansion of production by implementing a water jet cutting system.
January 2024
Signing of CE partner contract for Bosch Rexroth Drive technology.
May 2024
Signing of CE partner contract of Bosch Rexroth Linear Technology.
May 2024
Achievement of Factory Automation status in the Bosch Rexroth partner world.
June 2024
SSG becomes a training company.
August 2024
2 mechatronics and machine operator trainees start their training with SSG.
Das vorhandene Know How wird seit über 25 Jahren unterstützt durch die feste Partnerschaft mit Bosch Rexroth. Diese Partnerschaft für die Montagetechnik wurde in den letzten Jahren mit der Antriebstechnik, Lineartechnik und dem Service für diese Komponenten erweitert.
Oktober 2018
Ausgründung der Abteilungen Bosch Rexroth Industrieausrüstung und Service aus der Symacon Gruppe, bestehend aus Symacon GmbH, H&B Omega Europe GmbH und IZM Polycast.
Erwerb der exklusiven Vertriebsrechte für Ersatzteile, Service und Inbetriebnahmen.
Februar 2019
Umzug von Barleben zum aktuellen Firmensitz Magdeburg Salbke.
September 2019
Erfolgreiche Zertifizierung durch Bosch Rexroth und gleichzeitige Ernennung zu einem der ersten Certified Excellence Partnern der Bosch Rexroth Organisation weltweit.
Juli 2020
Übernahme der Vertriebspartnerschaft für den Bereich Nordost Deutschland von der Fa. Handke Industrieausrüstung. Eröffnung des Vertriebsstandortes Berlin.
August 2020
Aufbau des Vertriebes und Engineering für Automation und Sonderlösungen für Maschinenbau.
März 2021
Aufbau eines eigenen Elektroengineerings mit Elektrowerkstatt.
November 2021
Unterzeichnung des LOI zur Erweiterung der Certified Excellence Partnerschaft für Antriebstechnik und Lineartechnik.
Juni 2022
Unterzeichnung des Service Level Agreements mit Bosch Rexroth. Somit ist die SSG offizieller Certified Excellence Servicepartner für Factory Automation der Bosch Rexroth Organisation.
November 2022
Unterzeichnung Partnervertrag Kassow Robots. Erweiterung des Produktportfolios mit Cobot-Lösungen.
As an innovative and future-oriented company, we offer our commissioning and servicing services as well as industrial equipment and conversions for automations worldwide.
We are a team of specialized employees for all areas to meet your needs. From mechanical design, combined with robotics and PLC programming, pneumatics and E-planning to maintenance, repair and retrofit of equipment and machines, we are a reliable partner at your side.
We want to inspire customers and their employees through technology, performance and continuous development of our know-how.